Group Rides/Routes


Road Group Rides

Everyday - (Except Saturday)

- There is a group ride leaving at 6:00am most days from the corner of Thomas and Mary Street, Noosaville (Noosa Homemaker Centre). There are set courses for each day, around 50km in distance, and longer on Sundays, this is a faster paced bunch ride.

- Leaving from the corner of Ben Lexcen Drive and Heathland Drive at 5:30am, a medium paced ride leaves most days also covering around 50km and covers more distance on weekends.


Everyday - (Except Saturday)

- Leaving from Raw Energy Cafe at 6:00am is a more social group ride, also covering around 50km, followed by a relaxed chat and coffee afterwards.


Popular Cycling Routes 

-Feel free to download these routes to your Garmin map enabled computer. To do this follow the step below.

1- Go to

2- Sign in or create a account this only take 2 minutes to create a new account

3- Plug in Garmin device

4- Click on the link above the desired map "Download this map"

5- On the bottom left of the screen there is a button that reads "send to device" click here and follow the prompts 


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